Side Leg Lift
The Side Leg Lift exercise strengthens the lateral flexors of the spine and develops core stability. Also provides toning benefits for the hip adductors and abductors.
10 Repetitions
The Side Leg Lift exercise works in the whole body for optimal strength, stability, balance, and control. This exercise is applicable to all populations and differing lifestyles as it improves standing, walking, and athletic abilities and reduces load and compression in compensated joints.
Muscles Targeted: Hip Abductors and Adductors, Deep Abdominals, Multifidus (Deep Paraspinals)
Modifications: Lay head on Pillow, keep bottom knee bent
Tip: Keep Head in-line with the back; keep assessing head position as it moves forward very easily as a compensatory action
Side Leg Lift
10 Repetitions
The Side Leg Lift exercise works in the whole body for optimal strength, stability, balance, and control. This exercise is applicable to all populations and differing lifestyles as it improves standing, walking, and athletic abilities and reduces load and compression in compensate...